Corporate Roadmapping — The Innovative Tool of Corporate Knowledge Management


  • Marek Jemala University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic


Management planning systems create one of the most important parts of corporate knowledge management in the global business. All over the world companies, especially global corporations, face increasingly dynamic global competition. Circumstances, customers, products or prices are changing and managers must constantly seek for their own way how to survive and achieve the best results. Corporate roadmapping is a part of corporate foresight, it is the specific form of strategic planning which supports finding the right solutions of how to deal with these increasingly competitive changes. This work sets a new standard and provides comprehensible insight into this kind of corporate planning.



roadmap, strategic planning, development, innovation


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How to Cite

Jemala, M. (2008). Corporate Roadmapping — The Innovative Tool of Corporate Knowledge Management. Russian Management Journal, 6(4), 149–168. Retrieved from



Practice of Management