Impact of International M&A on R&D Activities: Some Evidence at Industry and Firm Level


  • Olivier Bertrand Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


This paper investigates the incidence of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on the research and development (R&D) activities of companies. Using different indicators of R&D activity of target firms over the period 1994–2004, we get the following results. Cross-border acquisitions seem to bring positive long-run effects on the volume and nature of R&D projects. In addition, we see that foreign partners finance more the R&D activity of the target firm after its acquisition. R&D is also more contracted out to local public laboratories and universities. General findings tend to cast some doubt on the usual fears regarding foreign takeovers and their impact on local R&D activity.



mergers and acquisitions, industrial restructuring, R&D, technologies


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How to Cite

Bertrand, O. (2008). Impact of International M&A on R&D Activities: Some Evidence at Industry and Firm Level. Russian Management Journal, 6(4), 49–74. Retrieved from



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