Processual Approach toward Organizational Change: A Case of “Russian Post”




Organization studies suggest a variety of approaches to organizational change. The majority of them considers change as a transition between various stances of an entity in two periods of time. In contrast, a processual approach views change as a process that literally predates and enables existence of the organization. This perspective provides a researcher with more fruitful data of interconnections between macro-level innovations and their implementations in employee micro-practices. Based on empirical data collected with organizational ethnography at FSUE “Russian Post” I illustrate how different by speed and content were simultaneous changes in the institutional context and daily work of the post offices. An introduction of IP-telephony and installation of Internet access points show that attempts to distinguish clear stages of change rather characterize organization as dysfunctional and irrational. At the same time, a processual lens overcomes these theoretical limitations.


organizational change, organizing, “Russian Post”, processual approach, organization studies


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How to Cite

Gudova, E. A. (2019). Processual Approach toward Organizational Change: A Case of “Russian Post”. Russian Management Journal, 17(2), 251–272.



Practice of Management