Network Approach to Supply Chain Management: Terms, Scope of Issues and Lines of Development


  • Jon Hanf Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Germany
  • Kirsti Dautzenberg Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Potsdam, Germany
  • Taras Gagalyuk Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Germany
  • Vera Belaya Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Germany


According to studies conducted in terms of different theories of economic organization, management of procurement relationships requires not only alignment of actions but also a simultaneous alignment of interests of the involved parties. As a result, supply chains encompassing these relationships are increasingly considered as supply networks. At the same time, the research on network forms of interfirm cooperation shows that interfirm networks are subject to analysis at least on three levels: firm, dyadic, and network levels. However, the alignment of actions and the alignment of interests are rarely addressed simultaneously on all of the indicated levels in supply networks. This implies that there is a risk to neglect some important management issues and that there is a need for an integrated network approach to the management of supply chains. In this article, we propose such an approach building our argumentation on the results of a literature review on network forms of interfirm cooperation and supply chain management.


network approach, supply chain management, alignment of interests, alignment of actions


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How to Cite

Hanf, J., Dautzenberg, K., Gagalyuk, T., & Belaya, V. (2009). Network Approach to Supply Chain Management: Terms, Scope of Issues and Lines of Development. Russian Management Journal, 7(1), 43–68. Retrieved from



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