The Role of Network Communication Activities to Establish the Project Team




The aim of this article to present the findings of network communications among authors of projects based on their organizational status while promoting and implementing the project. The data were collected in Russian innovative-active company. The timeliness of this paper is that the company leaders should assess risks and make forecasts about the characteristics of project teams before their creating and practicing. Yet, the type of communication that will become more effective while the project team developing and working is another concern for the large and multinational companies. Based on both social capital and stakeholder group concepts and conducted research, it has been established theoretically and empirically the features of personal network communications that overcome the bounds of the formal organizational network. New dimensions of personal networking, which allow neutralizing the position status in the company hierarchy, have been proposed. As a result, this novel approach can enable HR specialists to compare the network social activities among employees with different organizational statuses. The key findings of this study is the model that connects both network communication activities and promotion the project in the official meetings with the team composition that the author gets together to put the project idea into practice.


network communication activities, social capital, structural and functional organizational borders, innovative activity, innovative networking, personal networking, project team


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How to Cite

Kudriavtseva, E. I., & Volkova, N. V. (2019). The Role of Network Communication Activities to Establish the Project Team. Russian Management Journal, 17(1), 47–70.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies