Analysis of the Microstructure of the Russian Stock Market: Bid-ask Spreads and Risk of Illiquid Shares



On the example of Russian shares traded on the RTS in 2006–2010 we investigate the magnitude of bid-ask spreads of shares with different liquidity. It was found that for all shares, regardless of their liquidity, there is a power-type dependence between the magnitude of the average relative bid-ask spread and the frequency of transactions with these shares. This dependence is explained in the framework of the approach, in which the liquidity of the shares is modeled by a combination of imaginary call and put options. This representation allows us to estimate the volatility of prices of illiquid shares, which may be important for practical purposes of corporate finance.


risk, illiquid shares, quotes, bid-ask spread, trade activity, volatility, option, straddle


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How to Cite

Okulov, V. L. (2012). Analysis of the Microstructure of the Russian Stock Market: Bid-ask Spreads and Risk of Illiquid Shares. Russian Management Journal, 10(2), 33–50. Retrieved from



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