Specificity of Business Models In Social Entrepreneurship



Based on the analysis of social entrepreneurship and the concept of “business model” the paper unfolds the relevance of business model examination in social entrepreneurship. The results of the empirical research on the specificity of business models in social entrepreneurship are presented. The research was conducted with the use of case study method in the period from April 2012 till December 2013. The results of the analysis of the organizations supported by the Foundation “Reach for Change” in 2012 allowed to make a number of assumptions and conclusions about specificity of business models in social entrepreneurship.


social entrepreneurship, business model, value


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How to Cite

Aray, Y. N., & Burmistrova, T. A. (2014). Specificity of Business Models In Social Entrepreneurship. Russian Management Journal, 12(4), 55–78. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/203



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