Crowdsourcing as an Instrument of Human Intellectual Resources Involvement:
The Experience of Sberbank Russia


  • Ruslan A. Dolzhehko National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Andrey V. Bakalenko Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



Management and use of available intellectual resources is even more vital for businesses with the growing speed of digitalization, intensification of competition, globalization and progress to the perceived highest level of labor productivity. The ultimate goal is to find out new ways of solving the problems and identificate possible ways of successful performance. Crowdsourcing is one of the instruments of consolidation and activation of creativity of people that are interested in the development of an organization. Due to its novelty, there are only few local attempts of using crowdsourcing in a practical way. Organizations carefully use this instrument for intellectual resources management and successful best practices are kept inside the corporate structures as a know-how. In Russia, there is one organization that has successfully implemented crowdsourcing, namely the Sberbank Russia. In this paper, we analyze the experience of crowdsourcing implementation in Sberbank and try to find new ways of development of this technology.


crowdsourcing, Sberbank Russia, innovations, wikinomics, lean laboratory, lean production, professional communities


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How to Cite

Dolzhehko, R. A., & Bakalenko, A. V. (2016). Crowdsourcing as an Instrument of Human Intellectual Resources Involvement:<br>The Experience of Sberbank Russia. Russian Management Journal, 14(3), 77–102.



Practice of Management