Factors of knowledge sharing in cross-functional teams


  • Elena G. Kalabina Institute of Economics and Finance, Ural State University of Economics, Russia
  • Olga Yu. Belyak Prosoft-Systems Ltd, Russia




The article is devoted to study the factors of knowledge sharing in managing the cross-functional teams of Russian companies within innovative development. The goal of the paper was to analyze the influence of individual, organizational, and managerial factors on the activity of cross-functional team members in knowledge sharing. Based on the results of the survey among 259 participants of cross-functional teams, the econometric assessment was done to determine that intrinsic motivation as an individual factor makes sense asa moderator for exolaining the relationship between organizational, managerial factors and activity of participants in knowledge sharing. As a result of the analysis of the management factorsthe most favorable mechanism of coordination for knowledge exchange was mutual coordination.  It was implemented through informal communication and it was based on understanding of roles, degree of responsibility and sense of belonging by the team members. It was also revealed that organizational factors, including the system of incentives, have little influence on the activity of participants in knowledge sharing. The findings can be the basis for appropriate choosing the cross-functional team management tools for innovative development. 


cross-functional teams, knowledge sharing, coordination mechanisms, intrinsic motivation


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How to Cite

Kalabina, E. G., & Belyak, O. Y. (2021). Factors of knowledge sharing in cross-functional teams. Russian Management Journal, 19(4), 515–547. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu18.2021.407



Theoretical and Empirical Studies