Price Discrimination In New Apartments Market In Russia


  • Maksim A. Storchevoy Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Konstantin A. Kholodilin National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg Campus, Russia; DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung), Germany
  • Dmitry M. Sorokin National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg Campus, Russia
  • Shamil Sh. Sharapudinov National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia



The paper explores practical issues of using price discrimination in the markets of new apartments. First, we discuss various strategies of price discrimination which may be applied by construction companies to increase revenue (i. e. discrimination by observable characteristics or by self-selection). Then we suggest an approach for empirical estimation of possibility of price discrimination in this market, based on the survey of real buyers of apartments. Finally we present results of the pilot application of this approach on the basis of a construction company in St. Petersburg and suggest the next steps for development of this approach.


pricing, price discrimination, housing market, customer survey


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How to Cite

Storchevoy, M. A., Kholodilin, K. A., Sorokin, D. M., & Sharapudinov, S. S. (2016). Price Discrimination In New Apartments Market In Russia. Russian Management Journal, 14(4), 21–48.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies