Technology Roadmaps: Implementation In Innovation Management of Large Companies


  • Lyubov Yu. Matich National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia



The article analyses the technology roadmaps tool (TRM) used by foreign organizations, as well as by large Russian state-owned companies. The research describes the features of the TRM implementation in Russian companies preventing the effective use of the tool. Two priority areas for the roadmaps are identified. They are related to implementation of the current innovation strategy and development of innovative culture. Each priority area is suggested to model a separate process of roadmap development, to determine their parameters, and to approve company’s internal routines.


innovation management, technology roadmaps, innovation processes


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How to Cite

Matich, L. Y. (2017). Technology Roadmaps: Implementation In Innovation Management of Large Companies. Russian Management Journal, 15(3), 327–356.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies