Determinants of return to work after maternity leave in Russia: A logistic regression approach


  • Aleksandra K. Bordunos Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, Russia
  • Sofia V. Kosheleva Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, Russia
  • Anna Zyryanova Institute of Business Studies, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia



This paper aims to identify the determinants of return to work after maternity leave in Russia. Can an organisation influence employees’ decision about withdrawal from the market after leave arrangement, or does it fully depend on the contextual and personal characteristics of the employee, as assumed by the discourses of merit and choice? Logistic regression analysis helps to answer the raised questions, referring to responses of 721 mothers with previous working experience. The research revealed that employers indeed can improve inclusion of employees with childcare commitments, fostering their return after the maternity leave. Despite high regional diversity of Russian population, contextual specificity barely influences the decision of employees regarding their returning to work with the same employer, similarly to their level of education, firms’ equity or amount of children. Among personal characteristics, income was found to play an important role in return decisions, as well as the age of the smallest child. The paper contributes to the debates on the fluidity of gender and work identity as well as organizational control over the identity work.

Ключевые слова:

childcare commitments, maternity leave, work system, Russia


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Как цитировать

Bordunos, A. K., Kosheleva, S. V., & Zyryanova, A. (2020). Determinants of return to work after maternity leave in Russia: A logistic regression approach. Российский журнал менеджмента, 18(3), 363–382.



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