Organizational Ideas of A. Bogdanov and Their Resonance. On the 130th Anniversary of A. A. Bogdanov's Birth
The author describes and critically analyzes organizational discoveries of outstanding Russian scholar Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov (1873–1928). A. Bogdanov has originally formulated a number of principles, which are managing organizational process of «things, people and ideas» (the principles of isomorphism of different organizational structures, entropy, feedback, chain connection, the law of the «smallest», and etc). He had formulated all these principles long before L. von Bertalanfi, N. Wiener and other Western scholars. A. Bogdanov can be considered as one of the founders of organizational theory. His ideas of tectology, which had been neglected for quite a long time, have resuscitated and been widely developed in such areas like cybernetics, general theory of systems, synergetics, etc.
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