The Multinational Enterprise: A Resource-Based View


  • Christos N. Pitelis Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK


We build on the work of Edith Penrose to develop a resourcebased perspective to the theory of the multinational enterprise (MNE). We suggest that transborder geographical diversification is the result of endogenous growth processes, firms’ “productive opportunity”, limits to domestic expansion, failed or missing markets, perceived differential opportunities abroad, and oligopolistic interaction. The choice of institutional mode (foreign direct investment, subcontracting, licensing or exporting) is due to the same factors, but also the differential control and/or transaction cost attributes of different modes.


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How to Cite

Pitelis, C. N. (2007). The Multinational Enterprise: A Resource-Based View. Russian Management Journal, 5(4), 21–40. Retrieved from



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