Integrated Business-models in Media Industry: Response for Challenges of a New Era


  • Evgeniy Yu. Zinin RBC-Media, Moscow, Russia


The article deals with the reasons for the emergence and practice of creating integrated business models in media-industry based on a new paradigm in this business — media-convergence. With the convergence traditional value chain in the media business is recombining in multimedia value chain, and in fact is appearing mutual integration of IT-companies, telecom providers and producers of media content. Work under the new business models require the new strategic decisions in HR management, innovation, flexible response to changes in the external environment, the ability to build long-term partnerships with companies on related markets.


media industry, multimedia, convergence, content, channel of content distribution, digitalization, audience fragmentation, new media, competitiveness, business-model


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How to Cite

Zinin, E. Y. (2008). Integrated Business-models in Media Industry: Response for Challenges of a New Era. Russian Management Journal, 6(3), 129–144. Retrieved from



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